Friday 18 May 2007

A New Family

Making a move to the other side of the world with your family is far less daunting and scary when you come into a new community of God's people. While we are missing the depth and history of or friendships and family relationships back home, I have begun to make friends at church quickly and we have felt welcomed and accepted. It's so great to have people around you who you know have such a big thing in common with you. It makes the world seem smaller somehow- and reminds you of God's hand in this world- rather than just in our little bubble.

I thought I'd mention a few things about our new church.... Christ Church Fulwood.

We are part of quite a big evangelical Anglican church- there are about 400(??) people at each of the morning services and more in the evening. There is a plan to plant a new church in 2009 and they have just employed a new minister to get this underway.
Andrew has been doing heaps of preaching- So far this year he has looked at Ephesians, 1 Kings, John, Life Without Jesus (work and relationships) and a few other one offs. His sermons are on the website. One of his other main responsibilities is small groups- and there are about 40 of them which he has been out visiting most nights.
For the first time in a long while I have been hearing the sermon and sitting right through the service without interuptions from kids which has been fabulous. I have been so encouraged and challenged by the teaching- and the kids are loving singing and playing in Toddler creche. With so many kids- the children's work here is runs like a well-oiled machine. It's exciting to hear F & J come home from creche singing 'God Created Me' and chatting to the man in the shop about Jesus dying on the cross. That's what it's all about!
There are lots of groups for me to fill my week with. I go to a women's Bible Study group Tuesdays and a Toddler group on Wednesdays. And I have just started in a book club/reading group- which is more of a social thing- to chat and think about books we're reading- with some girls from church. F has just started going to Playgroup (preschool) which is run by the church and is great. He is loving it- and the ladies who teach him are wonderful.

I am just starting to get involved in things at church. It has been fantastic to have a few months just to settle in and not to have any other responsibilities other than our family- but I'm looking forward to preparing Bible studies again soon and helping out with Toddler's group.
In summary- so far- we have found the people and staff here to be really great. The hardest thing has been just having SO many people to get to know and having most of our spare time filled with dinners and lunches- which are all great- but it's hard to fit it all in sometimes. We are getting there though- and we have worked really hard at remembering names. I think the first year is just going to be a bit crazy and we are just riding it at the moment.

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