Monday 14 May 2007

New Year

Well... I can finally see the benefits of the 'blogspot'. No promises here- but for those in Oz who are interested in where we are and what we are doing- I hope that this will keep you updated slightly better than my rather sporadic and often less than informative emails.

In January this year, our family moved to Fulwood, Sheffield in England. Andrew is now an 'associate vicar'...and you can catch him in a dog collar at least once a week! Will try steal a photo and post it soon!

We have settled into our new church really well. We have had an amazing welcome from the people at Fulwood and are really enjoying starting to make friends. We have had moments of homesickness- but we feel that God has really blessed us with a smooth start to life here.

We have a new home- which is different to Kellyville in many ways- but is quickly becoming a place of family warmth and memories. The kids are loving life here, and as usual make us laugh and amaze us with the ease in which they have adapted to the newness of it all.

We arrived in the dead of Winter- dark and damp- but apparently fairly mild... and have moved into Spring which seems to raise the spirits of all. I am determined not to rant about the weather as most of the British do...but I can see why they do. The sunshine and daffodils make the Winter worth the wait.


Unknown said...

How cute are the kids! J has grown so much in 6 months...

Great that you have a blog - please keep it up!
Love Nat

Justin said...

I have put on a collar too, for our NYC Upper East Side service!

Tell me, is it progressive or regressive for Sydney clergy to put on a collar? :)

Reesy -- I just downlaoded the Ecclesiates talk and started listening, and following on the transcipt. I can't finish it now. Does 4600 words really turn into 30 minutes? For thirty minutes, I cannot go beyond 2400 words. Thats 2100 less than yours. How is that possible!! Crazy, huh?

Great to have you'all blogging.

The Rees Fam. said...


great to have you on board. Hope you are well. Liz is the driving force behind the blog and the main author.

The word count for the sermon is stange. The 'transcript' is a transcribed version of the audio by a guy at church. I think there are often a lot more words in the audio form than on the 'script' or at least the noest I use. Mind you I feel like I am using a lot more words for not much more time these days - perhaps I'm talking too fast!?

The Eccl sermon was part of a 3 week series 'Life without Jesus' which started in Luke with the road to Emmaus. The second week was 'work without Jesus Eccl 1-2. I was inspired by your thoughts on that passage back at CCSI and so you may hear familiar application at points in that one.

Are you NY sermons online.

Justin said...

YOu have a guy who transcibes??

Hooley Dooley. Resourced.

No to sermons being online. They are recorded, but we are not at the point of putting them online.

I look forward to listening/reading the sermon.

Justin said...

Today -- Text: John 16:5-15.
Words: 2469.
Time: 25:30 Minutes.

I think I talk slow with lotsa pauses....

Justin said...

I wonder if St Paul every thought this way...