Thursday 31 January 2008

Back on Board

It's been a long time.
I might just do a quick update of what we've been up to- since...September last year!
Probably around the time we fell off the air- we found out we are expecting our third bub- which probably along with fb, accounts for my lack of blogging- sick tired etc etc... We're at 23 weeks now- and all is looking good. I think I could have 1000 scans and still be in absolute awe of God's amazing creation!

Heidi is our new little niece/cousin

In October Andrew and I went away for a 3 night weekend (kid free- thanks to the Rees grandparents) to Bath. Probably the last real sleep-ins for a long time. We felt very spoilt and had lots of sunshine! It was great timing- we both needed a rest- and some catch up time with each other. We forgot the camera- but were quite pleased- it often gets in the way- they're just our memories now which is nice.

In November I took J to Sydney on a rather impulsive, quick two week visit. It will proabably be a good few years before we get back as a family- so we decided to take the opportunity to see my family before it becomes a whole lot more difficult. Andrew spent some quality boy-time at home with F. I think the highlight was seeing Ratatouille together and getting a new car!
God was very good to me- I loved seeing the family again- and catching up with a few friends- but I really couldn't wait to get home to Andrew and F. Being away really made me feel that while I certainly miss the sunshine, my wonderful friends and my family who I love and miss SO much--home is really where my husband and kiddies are- and Fulwood has become that place. Of course Sydney still has a great pull for us- familiarity, history, comfort- but being over here is made good by our little family being in this together for God.

December- we had 4 lovely friends come to stay for 6 weeks. I'm not sure where December/Christmas went- it was a buzz- full house- lots of fun- a bit of snow- the time with the Meyer girls has made our house seem alot bigger now! It was wonderful catching up with their lives and hearing news of sydney- especially Kellyville. Andrew was very busy over Christmas- which I guess in his line of work is to be expected- it was great to be involved in Christmas here at Fulwood. We felt like we fumbled around a bit- trying to teach the kids about Christmas- I'm sure they will understand more and more as they get older. F was disappointed at the carols service-when he saw the candles- he was desperate to SEE Jesus- as they must have been for HIS birthday....J was just looking for the birthday cake!

Bec and J

Flour fight!

The Girls

January- it's weird to be so busy so soon after Christmas- Andrew was at work for the very first time on his birthday! We have been back into the swing of life again. We took a 3 day weekend in Northumberland- a very picturesque part of the world- great beaches and lots of places to explore. I'm sure it would have been a whole lot more picturesque in another season- but hey- we braved the wind and the winter and got out and about- we had a great weekend. The kids are at a fun age now for holidays- they can handle a but more adventure and are much more predicatable than a year ago. And the age gap between them seems smaller and smaller as the get older (not that it was that big to begin with- but you know what i mean!). We are very aware- that things are going to get harder (for a while) again in May- so we're making the most of where we are for the next few months.


We spent the Australia Day weekend with Sean and Sarah- our aussie friends from London- we planned to get the barbie going- but alas- it requires a very thorough clean- due to a massive mould build-up. Very gross. Things just never dry out in this country! It was great company despite the lack of charcoaled snags!

I'm sure I've missed some vital stuff- I haven't really filled you in on how we've been feeling about things. I'll just say that the last few months have been probably the most up and down that we've been so far. No major catastrophes- just feelings of homesickness and over busyness creeping in- with feelings of excitement about the year to come and about how good God has been to us over the past year. Sometimes I can't believe it.
Anyway- I had better sign off- this was supposed to be quick- and I was determined to get this post up before Feburary rolls in. I hope you enjoy the pics at least and have some idea of where we've been.
Will touch base again soon. xx